Thursday, July 2, 2009

Delayed Biomedical Instrumentation Notes

To all fellow friends,

I would like to apologize for the delayed notes for Biomedical Instrumentation. The delay was due to the different methods of Dr. Tioh passing the notes to me. Sometimes, he passed the notes to me in hard copy, and some other times, I’m required to download them from WBLE.

For this round of Spectrometry notes, the softcopy on the WBLE is in PDF format and if you guys noticed, it’s in full colour and a black background.

This creates some problem to the printer (the person who photocopies the notes), as the printing would be mainly in black. It’s a waste of printer toner and also resources as you guys would not be able to read the notes clearly.

I have addressed this issue to Dr. Tioh and he’ll be uploading new notes with CLEAN WHITE background for us. So please be patient.

In the mean time, download the softcopies and read it in your computer instead.

Thanks for your time and patience.


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